For over 85 years, ANP has been the fundamental news source in the Netherlands. More than 95% of Dutch news media depend on its services, making ANP the largest independent press agency in the country. Dutch readers might recognise its name as the source mentioned in tiny letters below newspaper photography or items. What the organisation truly stands for and how it operates, however, has been unclear to most.
Facts First

Knowing how and where to access factually accurate news is now more urgent than ever. As fake news and deep fakes find their way into our social media timelines, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to separate fact from hoax. We are dependent on organisations like ANP for news we can trust.
Time for the word to get out. With a renewed brand identity and overall strategy by Vruchtvlees, ANP is getting a boost in visibility. ANP’s overarching brand story is now central to all communication, both internal and external, supported by an entirely new website and photo platform. For once, ANP makes the headlines.
Dynamic brand identity
ANP offers a wide range of services. As more products were introduced over time, its plethora of sub-labels had become challenging to navigate. To strengthen the overall brand, we have fully restructured ANP’s offerings, working with a single brand strategy. With its commercial and journalistic activities united under one overarching story, ANP’s renewed brand strategy covers the organisation from all angles.
----> Get a peek behind the scenes of our ANP rebranding (in Dutch)

ANP makes factual news accessible to any media brand and company. With its new slogan ‘Start with the facts’, ANP urges anyone involved in news distribution to start from a factually accurate basis.

Straight to the source
ANP is thé source for fact-checked news in the Netherlands. Whether you’re listening to a radio broadcast, reading a news item, or monitoring information with ANP360+, it all starts from the same fundamental source. In our visual identity for ANP, the source is represented by a point (or dot). All visual elements flow from this central starting point. The source underscores and points out the facts, making a point against fake news.

Advocate for factual accuracy
With its identity and strategy, ANP is claiming its position as a prominent force in the Dutch media landscape. As a leader in the production and distribution of factually accurate news, ANP urges anyone with a platform and voice to start with the facts. With a clearly defined tone-of-voice, Vruchtvlees has streamlined all of ANP’s copywriting on the website and beyond. A brand new content strategy and newly developed content formats make it easy for ANP to showcase what it stands for across all channels.

Optimised for conversion
ANP’s website is fully targeted towards potential B2B clients. A variety of landing pages guides visitors towards the information relevant to their specific needs, in a user-friendly way. All of the website’s copywriting puts the visitor first, guiding them towards the right solution for them. ANP’s story shines through in all of the website’s photography and bold quotes, but the focus is always on guiding the visitor towards conversion.

From web architecture to interior design
From splash-screens in the app to stationary sets: ANP’s new identity has been implemented throughout all layers of its brand. Even its office interior and signage in the Hague look the part. And that’s not all: all of its effects are now measurable. From now on, ANP starts with the facts, even when it comes to its marketing strategy.